True economic emancipation of the up and coming black female entrepreneurs is dependent on a number of variables. For us who have been on this journey since 2000, we applaud the efforts by the government in terms of BEE initiatives, but the biggest challenge still lies on the implementation thereof.
One is also of the opinion that it is time we recognise the inherent worth and qualities we are endowed with as women and make good use of them while the opportunities are still available.
At the core of our success thus far has been our emphasis on quality and the ability to walk and not talk the extra mile. And we have been able to maintain our integrity by keeping to our service delivery promises.
To you our valued clients, thank you for putting us to the “test”. Had it not been for your support, we would not be in business or in a position to confirm that we can be a meaningful part of your team!
To our potential clients, check our clientele profile, and then you will know that you have come home for better Human Resources solutions!